A glorious mash-up of Bizet’s marvellous music and a modern take on the feisty and freedom loving young woman

  • Workshop with Jigsaw4u

    We’re excited to be running a workshop over the summer holidays for the brilliant local childrens’ charity Jigsaw4u, who we’ve partnered ...
  • Introducing our Opera Taster Workshop Team!

    We’re super excited that this brilliant team will be delivering our highly successful programme of Opera Taster Workshops based around our ...
  • Cosi in the Sunshine!

    We had a fantastic time at Opera Holland Park’s brilliant Open Day a few weeks ago collaborating again on our adaptation ...
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  • Workshop with Jigsaw4u

    We’re excited to be running a workshop over the summer holidays for the brilliant local childrens’ charity Jigsaw4u, who we’ve partnered ...
  • Introducing our Opera Taster Workshop Team!

    We’re super excited that this brilliant team will be delivering our highly successful programme of Opera Taster Workshops based around our ...
  • Cosi in the Sunshine!

    We had a fantastic time at Opera Holland Park’s brilliant Open Day a few weeks ago collaborating again on our adaptation ...
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  • Workshop with Jigsaw4u

    We’re excited to be running a workshop over the summer holidays for the brilliant local childrens’ charity Jigsaw4u, who we’ve partnered ...
  • Introducing our Opera Taster Workshop Team!

    We’re super excited that this brilliant team will be delivering our highly successful programme of Opera Taster Workshops based around our ...
  • Cosi in the Sunshine!

    We had a fantastic time at Opera Holland Park’s brilliant Open Day a few weeks ago collaborating again on our adaptation ...
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Workshop with Jigsaw4u

We’re excited to be running a workshop over ...

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  • Whisked the frothy original into a nimble 50- minute snapshot of modern life
    The Guardian

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